A Simple Rebuttal To The Internet Lies Posted About Me
I’m normally a pretty private person, but unfortunately, there is an individual posting negative things about me on the internet, so I must put this site up. The person who is doing this is an associate of my ex-wife, who I divorced almost 25 years ago. Why this person has chosen to persecute me, I can only speculate. He has never met me, or spoken to me personally. We have exchanged a few emails. That’s the extent of it. Everything written is a complete fabrication.
I’ve tried many avenues to end this, including corresponding with the individual; putting up retaliatory web sites; and investigating legal action (very expensive and hard to prosecute). Nothing worked, so I decided to put up this simple, single page web site to express my take on it. There are many people who have known me over my lifetime who can vouch for the fact that I’m an honest, hard-working man who wants nothing more than to live in peace. Have I made some mistakes over the last sixty years that I’m not proud of? Of course. So have you. But life goes on. I prefer to spend my time constructing the FUTURE, rather than lamenting about the past.
Regarding My DUI Allegation: The person who is posting this garbage about me makes a big deal out of this. The REAL story is I was well UNDER the limit, in no way impaired, and the entire case was DISMISSED. I had two glasses of wine over a 1.5 hour period at a restaurant on a date. I was fooling with my truck stereo and crossed over my lane line a couple times, so the officer stopped me. The police can CHARGE you with anything they like, but that doesn’t mean you’re guilty. That’s all I’m going to say about the incident.
So here is my take on the whole thing: If you come across these negative things on the internet and take them at face value without talking with me, then we have no hope of any type of relationship – as friends, business partners, significant others, or anything else. In other words, get over it, or move on. I don’t have time for it.
Anyhow, I moved on past this situation years ago, and it no longer concerns me the way it once did. My accomplishments and position in life speak for themselves. I just felt that I’d at least like some kind of rebuttal here in this place, the Internet, where sadly, nothing ever goes away.
January, 2016